Emergency Assistance to the Flood Affected People in Habigonj District

This project is implementing with the consortium funding of UKAid and Royal Netherland Ministry of Foreign Affairs under START Fund Bangladesh Project. ASED is associate implementing organization of Muslim Aid UK. 

The project will cover 1,316 extremely affected families of three unions of Ajmerigonj upazila in Habigonj district. These unions have been selected considering the alert note. The project will be implemented through partnership with ASED HABIGONJ, who has a strong presence and in-depth understanding of the context and culture of the community. The below activities are planned for the project by the project: 

Project Inception:

An inception meeting will be held through the participation of different stakeholders and lead by local government/administration. This will help to orient the stakeholders to the project to ensure accountability and getting their support to during the implementation of the project.                      

Beneficiary Selection:

The project will follow SF’s Guideline to select project beneficiaries from the affected community and the data will be assessed and validated. Project will be used KoBo/google form tools for beneficiary survey and database during implementing this activity. Beneficiary selection criteria is detailed out further in a section below. The team will aim to include vulnerable members of target communities in the intervention. 

Multi-purpose Cash Grant (MPCG) support:

The project is targeting families (1,316) to receive BDT 4,500 each as MPCG as per the standard of cash working group. This is unconditional cash grant and as local markets are functional this will allow beneficiaries flexibility to choose based on her/his needs with dignity. Through this MPCG support will help community to address their various needs like food, NFIs, health, education etc. It is also positive to keep them free from high interest loan from various sources. In addition that cash will be used within the community where good sellers have also the access to earn some money. 

Hygiene Kit distribution:

The project will distribute Hygiene kit to the selected same 1,316 families. Hygiene practices are a major concern during this flood, so the package will address the need of the people of all ages/sexes, especially children, women and adolescent girls. The sanitary napkin items in the hygiene kits will address gaps noted in menstrual discomfort for women/adolescent girls during this flood. The hygiene items will meet the family needs to keep their hygiene practices. The uses of the items will be oriented during the distribution time considering the local context and culture.

Education Box Distribution:

This flood lost the education materials of the students. The project targeted to provide education box to support the students for their motivation and to contribute in development process. 


The project has kept some allocations in the budget part (10%) to do some innovative works for early/recovery like minor repairing of connecting road/damage schools, school disinfection for safety security, repairing of bridge/culvert, emerging needs for agricultural production etc. However, this intervention should be selected through consult with the community people during the initial stage of project implementation time addressing the real time need of the affected community and considering the local context and culture of the project area.