Advocacy & Social Accountability

This project is implementing with the support of Education OUTLOUD in association with Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE).

The project will contribute to enhance networking with people, civil society and other organized groups working for the right to education. It will also contribute to generate evidence, provide alternative analysis and counter narratives and perform a watchdog role towards ensuring effective engagement with the education sector plan, LEG, policymakers, legislators and other platforms to influence decisions and ensure a pro-poor and inclusive education policy environment in the ever-changing contexts.

One of the key objectives of the project is to lobby for increased education financing for curriculum, teaching-learning process and ensuring agreed minimum proficiency and GCED so that the most marginalized have improved access to education and have a better school to work transition that will help in attaining a prosperous and secure future.

The Project aims to work towards realizing the right to education through education sector plan and policies that will help the most marginalized get access to quality education that will develop their full potential. It is also hoped that the education will be geared towards developing the young generation’s knowledge, skills and abilities for technology as well as critical thinking skills. Finally, the Project aims to develop the agency of people to hold their government to account for the right to education.